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  • Amy

My life during Covid-19: Summer strides

Updated: May 28, 2021

(Selection of images I photographed, whilst on my walks. Images include Portsmouth beach, Heaven's Gate, Canoe Lake and Lacock.)

The beginning of Covid-19 was a bizarre experience. Having finished my final year of A-levels, I found myself with plenty of spare time, particularly due to lockdown.

I was waking up late, most days consisted of watching TV. Initially, I didn’t comprehend how much this was affecting my mental and physical health. The lack of exercise and fresh air I wasn’t receiving led me to be slouchy and moody.

A month into lockdown, I decided to start going on walks. This completely changed my lockdown experience. Not only did it improve my mental state, but it enabled me to explore local places I had never seen before. I started setting myself a daily target of steps, encouraging myself to get out, to give me a purpose.

I was lucky to live locally to Lacock, with its beautiful historical features. Mostly notably known as a backdrop for films such as Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice.

Another favourite place of mine to visit became Heaven's Gate. With its spectacular stone sculptures and fantastic views of Longleat safari park, you can even sometimes hear the lions roaring. Sculptor Paul Norris claims he built the stones to blend into the atmosphere of Longleat, which he has achieved ever so effectively.

When moving to Portsmouth University in October, I was gifted with the opportunity to explore even more. My favourites, of course, being Portsmouth beach and Canoe Lake with its beautiful swans. Luckily my new flatmates were keen to join in too. This turned my walks into an opportunity to spend time with my flatmates safely.

As a result, Lockdown helped me discover a new hobby, benefitting me both mentally and physically. Despite the worst of lockdown now being over, I hope to stride into next summer appreciating the natural beauty on my doorstep.

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