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Claire Philpott, trailblazing referee, discusses changes within women's football

Updated: May 20, 2021

Having started refereeing at the age thirteen, Claire Philpott discusses her own experience in the world of football, alongside the further developments made within the game in recent years.

Q: Why did you start refereeing?

A: I really enjoyed football, and then there was somebody who was a referee who said, ‘Why don’t you do this?’. I was only thirteen. Somebody else who played on the same team as my brother, his dad was doing a referee course, and said let’s do it together.

Q: Why did you stop refereeing?

A: Purely, the case of I think my exams were coming up, I started working. It was just a case I got to a point where other things took over really.

Q: Have you faced any difficulties/barriers when refereeing, because of your gender?

A: The biggest barriers I had were with the mothers. Ironically, the dads were fine, but the mums were quite vocal on the side-lines. Which I wouldn’t have expected that. I felt a little bit intimidated.

The other barrier would be that there was just nowhere to go with it. I used to go to referee meetings and referee groups, and I was the only girl there. I felt a bit isolated.

Q: What do you think the FA can do to encourage more girls into refereeing?

A: I think they need to look at themselves and to see more females within the FA structure. You do see females in a lot of the football club admin roles, you still don’t see a lot of females in those higher positions. I’d like to see the FA push more for females in key roles within the FA itself.

Q: Do you think societal attitudes play a role in the disparity of girls and boys playing football? If so, why do you think this is?

A: I don’t think it does. I think if the opportunities are there, it’s not really an issue. It’s easy to say, it’s because I’m a girl, but it shouldn’t be. We are equally as good. We can do the job just as well. Saying that is putting ourselves down really.

Q: Video assistance referees (VAR) is not used in any major domestic women's competitions around the world, besides the 2019 Women's World Cup. Why do you think this is?

A: I think it’s down to finance, a lot of clubs don’t have the facilities to offer that. I think it’s more a case of elitism with bigger clubs. I think gender is probably irrelevant to that.

A: What is one thing you would say to a girl aspiring to be a referee?

Go fulfil your dreams. Believe in yourself, you are as good as the next person. Why couldn’t you be the first female referee in the World Cup final?

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