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Andy Park: “I do what I want to do, that’s exactly what I’m doing and no one’s going to stop me"

Updated: May 15, 2023

Credit: Photo taken by Andy Park

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived at Andy Park’s home in Melksham, however my imagination could have never conjured up the enigmatic winter wonderland I discovered. My intention was to discover the man behind the festive jumper, gaining an insight as to why he chooses to celebrate December 25th every day. However, as though meeting St Nicholas himself, Mr. Park reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas.

I had barely a chance to read the address sign “Christmas Fun House”, before I was enveloped in a hug and received a jolly greeting.

Andy Parks’ living room appeared to have had the festive holiday explode within it, exuding a warmth and comfort you could only find within a Christmas grotto. Surveying the swarm of adornments, I compliment his unusual and bold choice of decoration.

He said: “I made my home as homely as possible, as cosy as possible. It’s lovely when it's freezing cold out, or pouring with rain, thunderstorms. It doesn’t matter what, you come into here all like this and it's lovely.”

Andy Park, also known as ‘Mr. Christmas’, has been celebrating Christmas every day for 29 years. At 59 years-old, he has currently spent “over a million pounds” on turkey, trimmings, decorations and presents.

“I do get a little bit of help from people like Harrods and the big department stores. They give me things to put up. When I’m on the telly, I’ve got to tell them I got it from Harrods and give publicity,” He explains, pointing to what can only be described as an upside-down pine tree planted in the corner of the room.

“Imagine if it was up the other way, it would come out right here. We wouldn’t be able to get in the conservatory,” He laughs, as though this is the most obvious solution.

Instruments are scattered throughout the lounge, from keyboards to a trombone, but his real love is his original Fender Stratocaster. Having previously released a song “It’s Christmas every day!”, he shares his plans to release more music in the future.

“I’m working on something or other, but you know it’s pointless really saying anything whilst this Covid business is about, because you just can’t get your heart and soul into it.”

Credit: WiltshireMedia TV /

Curiously I ask him, if he could change one part of the holiday period, what would it be?

“I would just want everyone to be really friendly with each other, love one another. I believe we are all one family. If there’s someone that’s not quite so well off as yourself, give to that person, which I do. I do a lot of giving, a lot of charity work,” he said.

Andy Park not only celebrates Christmas every day but spends significant time bringing joy to others. He reveals his most beloved charity, Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group in Bristol, “I made a few records, and all my record loyalties go to them. When I get invited to TV shows, I get paid and always hand over the fee. Sometimes I go down to the hospital themselves and hand over the money.”

Scattered behind me on the wall is an array of pictures. Upon closer inspection, I realise these photographs are of Andy Park posed with an exceptional number of celebrities, arms round one another like old friends.

“I have sung with Westlife on telly. I had Girls Aloud here; they were lovely. One thing leads to another, like a door opens. You know, you get to know these celebrities. Sometimes you're like ‘would you like to come to my house for Christmas dinner?' They always say yeah, because it’s free.”

Although he would not perceive himself as so, Mr. Christmas appears to be a celebrity, having appeared on major platforms such as Good Morning Britain and Talk Sport radio.

How has Covid-19 impacted these opportunities?

“The TV shows were limited. A lot of them were knocked off the telly. I did do a lot of TV shows from here but using my computer. That was awful.”

I couldn’t seem to shake the sense, that even with all the media exposure and success, Mr. Christmas lived a solitary lifestyle. What would you say to people who think your lifestyle is strange?

“Even if I eat my Christmas dinner on my own, with a neighbour, a girlfriend, it doesn’t matter [...] It’s everyone to their own. I’m not hurting anybody; I’m having a good time. I’m very generous, I give out a lot of presents. I do what I want to do, that’s exactly what I’m doing and no one’s going to stop me.”

Although many may believe celebrating December 25th every day is strange, as I surveyed Mr. Christmas’ living room one last time, I was ignited with the belief that there are still people who understand the true meaning of Christmas. Beneath his jumper, Andy Park is a contented individual who not only brings joy to himself, but most importantly spread joy to others.

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